The world population grows exponentially year after year and more people live in cities. It is anticipated that by 2050 more than 80% of the total population resides in urban areas, so that this situation forces them to search new solutions to ensure proper operation in the future cities. To solve the problems related to the urban population growth is born the concept of Smart City.

The main objective of the Smart Cities is to improve the life quality of its habitants through sustainable development using the Information and Communications Technology (ICT). Therefore, what is sought is to create cities economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. They must also be more efficient and automated cities not only in economic, environmental and social terms but also in terms of safety, comfort and optimization of processes and resources.

To achieve this it is essential to cooperate between the stakeholders of a city: public administration, citizens and businesses. This requires developing intelligent systems that provide the necessary information to keep involved all the parts. That’s why mobile applications, social networks and web portals of Open Data are usual tools of Smart Cities.

There is impossible to talk about a smart city if its logistics is not smart too. Logistics includes the set of means and methods that are necessary to carry out the organization of a company. That is, includes processes such as production, order preparation, storage, transfer of goods from one place to another, transport distribution to the customer…

The noise, the traffic and the pollution caused by the transfer of goods are the main problems that smart logistics should try to solve .To get it is necessary to optimize the routes of delivery vehicles, improve the access for loading and unloading, reduce the number of delivery vehicles in order to reduce the emissions of CO2, NOx, and PM.